Audiology services offer various rehabilitation programs, namely auditory rehabilitation (to hearing loss), tinnitus management, hyperacusis management, rehabilitation for auditory processing disorder (APD) and risk prevention of falls and the evaluation of vestibular disorders in the elderly..
Auditory rehabilitation (to hearing loss):
For all the patient with hearing loss, the audiologist will explain several tips and tricks to facilitate communication with those around them, called communication strategies. In addition, the audiologist can meet with the hearing impaired person to further assess their communication difficulties before or after using hearing aids, teach communication strategies to the person and his family/friends and carry out lip-reading training.
After the hearing test, an audiologist will meet with the patient to suggest and explain various strategies and solutions to learn how to properly manage tinnitus.
Several weeks later, there will be a follow-up visit to assess improvement.
For cases of hyperacusis, an audiologist does a more extensive evaluation than the complete hearing test. During this visit, the professional also shares solutions to suit the needs of the patient that can be used in daily life.
As with tinnitus treatment, there is a follow-up meeting several weeks later to assess the progress of the rehabilitation program.
Auditory processing disorders (APDs):
The rehabilitation process for auditory processing disorders may require more time than for tinnitus or hyperacusis.
After the hearing test in which the audiologist assesses the patient’s abilities, an intensive rehabilitation program will be put in place for approximately six weeks. During visits, the audiologist will work with the person to improve his or her hearing abilities. Various interventions may also be done at the person’s school, workplace or home.
At the end of the program, the professional will reassess the patient’s abilities and the changes he or she has noticed in interactions (for example, with a spouse, parents or a teacher).
Risk of falls screening and evaluation of vestibular disorders in the elderly
Falling at an advanced age has serious consequences on the health and autonomy of the elderly person, even possibly causing death in the following months.
The risk of falls for the elderly who consult in hearing health clinics is greater than among the general population of the same age. Indeed, the risk of falls for an elderly person can be linked, among other things, to their precarious balance and possible damage to the inner ear (vestibular system). The audiologist is one of the health professionals trained to assess and treat the functioning of the inner ear and therefore of the vestibular system.
An appointment with the audiologist regarding the risk of falls and balance issues can help prevent and reduce the risk of falling.
Make an appointment now in audiology
*Every person is different. With the evaluation results, the audiologist can develop a customized rehabilitation program. If the audiologist feels a patient's situation goes beyond the scope of the Polyclinique de l'Oreille's programs, the person will be referred to the nearest rehabilitation centre.