Audiology: A little-known but essential profession
To practice in Quebec, an audiologist must have a master’s degree in audiology (or the equivalent) and be a member in good standing of the province’s professional order (Ordre des orthophonistes et audiologistes du Québec). Audiologists are to hearing as optometrists are to vision.
Audiologists are the professionals who assess and treat balance problems and hearing problems (e.g. deafness, tinnitus, hypersensitivity to sounds) in people of all ages—from newborns to centenarians! Audiologists often work in soundproof booths using high-tech equipment.
With children, audiologists want to make sure their ears work properly, so they can develop optimally and get the most out of school. With adults, they offer adapted services and solutions to eliminate any auditory obstacles so their clients can enjoy life to the fullest.
In addition, audiologists prevent hearing problems by offering auditory protection to people who are exposed to high-intensity noise in their daily life, be it at work or at play (concerts, hunting, music).
Audiologists work in partnership with other health professionals such as ear, nose and throat doctors, audioprosthetists, speech therapists and nurses. After reviewing your situation carefully, your audiologist can refer you to the services or solutions you need, including hearing aids, a consultation with an ear specialist or language stimulation for your child.
Because they care about their patients’ well-being, audiologists not only conduct complete hearing tests and offer solutions adapted to each type of hearing problem, they also provide the appropriate follow-up and care to those who consult them.
BY ABIR KHEIR, audiologist, Polyclinique de l’Oreille